The Alouette Tarot

The Alouette Tarot (Montréal) is a long-term project created with the assistance 
of a very special group of Canada at Midnight (C@M) VtM roleplayers in Montréal. 

A Malkavian named 'Lark' has come to the city to create a tarot deck for her powerful and terrifying Sire.  
Each card represents a person, event, relationship, location, or major
political occurrance within the city during Lark's time there.

The deck is unusual, consisting entirely of unique major arcana.
The cards are 5"x7", the ink is archival pen, and the paper is handmade linen.

When the deck is complete (approximately 56 cards), the art, names and meanings will go through final review,
digital editing, and layout, and a limited number of these very special decks will be put into print.

....that is, if Lark survives long enough to finish her task.

The design for the card back was the first created for the deck. It holds the image of the Montréal Island, within a
patchwork quilt of Montréal's coat of arms and founding peoples: the white pine for the indigenous presence,
the fleur-de-lis for the French, the rose for the English, the thistle for the Scottish and the clover for the Irish,
all within a border of thorned roses, elevated by the crown of Canada.

I. The Eternal Empress
(L'Impératrice Éternelle)

Hierarchy, Authority
R: Stasis, Antiquity,
Cronyism & Nepotism

II. Styx

Death, or a Critical Error
R: Recovery, Necromancy,
or Avoiding Death

III. Three

Hope, Kindness, Integrity
R:  This card has no reverse.


IV. Ivy

Endurance, Tenacity
R: Lethargy, Idleness


V. Queen of Thorns
(Reine des Épines)

Ambition, Joy, Beauty
R: Vanity, Cruelty

VI. Vigil

Watchfulness, Loyalty
R: Indecision, Doubt

VII. The Protagonist
(Le Protagoniste)

Revelry, Excess, Materialism
R: Hidden Motives, Chaos

VIII. The Manticore 
(La Manticore)

Unity, Friendship, Alliance
R: Bullying, Domination

IX. Ottawa 

Divisions, Fragmentation
R: As before, but enflamed:
A Feud, Battle, or Poison

X. The Willow
(Le Saule)

Medicine, Healing, Growth
R: Blind Obedience


XI. Eclipse

Good Luck, New Opportunity
R: An Omen of Ill Fortune


XII. Crimson Mist
(Brume Cramoisie)

Danger, Mortal Threats
R: Desperation, Loss



Lack of vision, confusion
R: Clarity, free sailing

XIV. Oratory

Influence of Faith
R: Loss of Faith

XV. Night of the Iron Rose
(Nuit de la Rose de Fer)

Display of Power
R: Power, wrongly wielded

XVI. Guillotine

The Fall of Princes
R: Unclaimed power

XVII. Tribute

The exchange of gifts or boons
R: Failing to fulfill the same


To be created...


To be created...


To be created...